Killzone Shadow Fall – Patch 1.2 Released

Guerilla Games has added yet another update Killzone Shadow Fall, and this time it’s patch 1.2

As well as a few other things, this update adds an online collectible system for the first piece of paid Killzone DLC, Insurgent. It also adds the usual array of bug fixes, and also makes some tweaks to the UI and custom warzones.

You can find the full patch notes below.

New features / improvements

Online Collectible System:

  • Insurgent Pack DLC owners now receive a speed boost when they shoot a collectible crate. To offset this advantage, we’ve also added a particle effect that makes them more visible on the battlefield – even when cloaked. Both effects last until the end of the round.

User interface:

  • The score board is now split up in teams.
  • The name of the player that placed the spawn beacon has been added to the spawn select screen.

Custom Warzones:

  • A pre-game wait time option has been added to the Custom Warzone creation screen.

Bug fixes

  • Various minor bugs have been fixed.