Kingdom Hearts 3 ‘Tangled’ Trailer Released – Looks Incredible

Kingdom Hearts 3 is probably one of the most hyped games of the generation, and for good reason. We first heard about the title back in E3 2013, and finally Sora and his chums will emerge on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One January 2015.

Unfortunately as yet there’s no word on a PC / Steam release, but given Square’s recent track record for PC, there’s at least a fairly reasonable chance it’ll happen. There’s also no information on a Nintendo Switch port either.,

But at the Lucca Comics & Games convention in Italy, Square Enix released yet another trailer, this time showing the Tangled world.

From a personal perspective, Kingdom Hearts is one of those franchises which despite a few flaws here and there, holds excellent memories of my 2 of my friends and I playing our own Playstation 2 and finishing off both the first Kingdom Heats and then the Second, winding up defeating everyone (including Sephiroth) and obtaining all the keyblades and so much more.

While our achievements in the game are certainly nothing that others haven’t done, the memories of spending several days at a friends, each of us laughing and joking as we had our own adventure makes this one gaming series which has given me a lot of joy.