Latest Details for Vita Version of Assassin’s Creed 3

According to a recent post on the site NeoGAF, the latest issue of the US based magazine Game Informer confirms a few things about the PS Vita release of Assassin’s Creed 3 . Two of the main details confirmed are that it will, indeed, share the October 30th release date of its big brother, it will also interestingly feature a female assassin as the main character.

It will even take place during the same sort of time period as the main AC3 title, just in a different place – New Orleans.

Here are some more of the details about the game, taken from NeoGAF.

Its out same day as AC3 (Oct 30th)

Location is New Orleans.

Female assassin named Aveline.

Looks like the same time period as AC3.

Ubisoft Sofia is developing.

Takes place during 1765-1780, in the period between the end of the French and Indian war.

One of the bullet points is that it has “true AC gameplay”.

Will not connect to Desmond.

Will have “multiplayer specifically tailored to the Vita experience”.

“The game has been released as a propaganda tool by Abstergo, who want players to experience a gray area of the Assassin/Templar conflict as an assassin rather than a templar.”

Aveline’s mentor is an escaped slave named Agate, leader of the assassins in New Orleans.

Wildlife like alligators “wait on the banks of the swamp, or hide beneath murky waters”.

Liberation will also take players across the Gulf into Mexico.

Game will take place in “Large gameplay areas, you can run, climb, fight and explore the entirety of New Orleans without loading a new area.”

Sounds very interesting indeed. The addition of a female assassin as the starring character is something I have been wanting from the Assassin’s Creed series for quite some time, I only hope that Aveline will turn out to be an interesting character. AC as a series rarely fails when it comes to bringing great characters to life, but this is a new direction for the series. Regardless, I am eagerly awaiting the game’s release.

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