Mario Rabbids Kingdom Images Leak

For some time now, we have heard rumours of a Mario Rabbids game for the Nintendo Switch. I first heard these rumours courtest of LauraKBuzz over at LetsPlayVideoGames, who reported that Ubisoft were hard at work on the crossover title.

While she was (obviously) incorrect about it being a launch game for the hybrid console, it does seem she was right about the game existing. Artwork surfaced yesterday thanks to, which reveals that the title of this game is Mario +Rabbids Kingdom.

Further images also surfaced, which gave us a few details on the actual gameplay of the title and also hinted at it being playable on the show floor at E3 2017.

As you can see, if the above images are correct and legitimate, exploration will make up about 35% of the game, whereas the meat of the game (65%, to be exact) will be dedicated to combat.

You may recall there were some rumours floating around earlier on this month as well, with an inside source sharing some details of the game with WCCFTech.

“Although the person who sent the assets asked us not to share them, they corroborate the existence of a bizarre crossover RPG that’s currently scheduled to come to Switch in either August or September. Ubisoft is developing Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle on the publisher’s proprietary Snowdrop engine, according to the assets we’ve seen. The game’s selling points appear to be a) turn-based combat, b) two-player local co-op, and c) a goofy sense of humor. (The art we’ve seen features Mario and crew wielding guns that shoot laser beams.)”

If all goes to plan, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom will be announced at E3 2017, with a summer release being planned for the game. Odds are good it will be a Nintendo Switch exclusive, given that it uses the Mario license. If this was a Ubisoft only game, like ZombiU, there might be some chance of multiplatform, but with Nintendo’s mascot on the cover there is not even a slight chance of that.