Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection Confirmed for PS3

MGS Legacy Collection Now Official

As expected Konami have formally announced the title for the Playstation 3. There has been no mention if it is in the works for the XBox 360. It’s likely not due to MGS4 being exclusive to the PS3 (because of the amount of game data).

A quote from Konami’s official Facebook page – “We’re proud to announce that METAL GEAR SOLID: THE LEGACY COLLECTION will be coming to PlayStation 3 this June! This is the premiere way to experience the series with METAL GEAR SOLID 1-4, Peace Walker, VR Missions, and the Ashley Wood digital graphic novels all in one exclusive package.”

It’s surprising that the title will be released so soon after the MGS HD Collection, although that release was of course missing MGS4, and the HD collection games differed depending upon region of the world that you lived in somewhat. The addition of the Ashley Wood graphic novels for MGS is surely a bonus for fans too. I would have liked to have seen Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes included (which is a remake of the original MGS) but it seems it is going to remain exclusive to the Nintendo Gamecube.

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