New Tomb Raider to Feature Multiplayer

As odd as it sounds Square Enix’s upcoming addition to the Tomb Raider franchise will indeed feature multiplayer, it has been confirmed.

Karl Stewart, Crystal Dynamic’s Global Brand Director confirmed it via his Twitter, saying – “Ok so after all the speculation, yes it’s true. Check out @OXM for info on Tomb Raider’s new multiplayer.”

Unfortunately, no other details than the confirmation were given, only that the upcoming issue of the official Xbox 360 magazine will hold details on “new modes and who we will be playing as.”

The whole thing seems a bit odd, but I suppose if it follows in a similar path to  the God of War: Ascension multiplayer (i.e- not playing as the main character but someone completely new, or to be able to choose from several someones) could possibly work, but it is rather strange to see another singleplayer focused franchise like this adding multiplayer. It would all be speculation to comment on what it could be like, so until further information, I am sticking firmly with “How is that going to work?!”

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