Nintendo Names New President

The passing of Satoru Iwata back in July was a pain felt by many people, from your average gamer, to critics, and of course – Nintendo. However, now it seems Nintendo are ready to move on the next chapter, as they have named a new President for the company.

The new man in charge will be Tatsumi Kimishima, who was previously in charge of Nintendo of America before Reggie Fils-Amie took over, and has also worked for The Pokemon Company, as well as being a former banker.

As we all know, Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takada have been acting presidents, but they will no longer serve in that role once Kimishima takes on his new role this week.

An analyst for Tokai Tokyo Securities Co, Osamu Kamada, had this to say: “He’s been watching Mr. Iwata closely for a long time, so Mr. Kimishima is a safe choice to implement steps laid out by Mr. Iwata.”

Will this mean a change of direction for Nintendo? It’s certainly possible, and I certainly hope it will mean they can finally catch up to the times when it comes to YouTube coverage, but that might be hoping for too much.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see where the company goes from here.