While solid details concerning Nintendo’s NX are somewhat thin on the ground (and that’s an understatement) there are a lot of rumors and healthy speculation concerning the abilities of the hardware, and what games we’ll see released around the systems launch.
Several hours ago, insider Emily Rogers released a series of tweets (which have since been deleted) claiming there are at least four Wii U ports heading to the NX, with the potential for a few more. While Emily’s tweets were deleted, many of her comments and information were captured over at Reddit.
Unfortunately, there was no actual confirmation as to which games from the Wii U library would receive the NX treatment, but given previous (very strong) reports Zelda would see an NX release, it’s a pretty good bet that’s one of the games.
Other potential titles could include Mario games (including Mario Kart and Mario Maker), Splatoon or even Star Fox. These titles have helped the Wii U gain momentum in the marketplace, but many gamer’s aren’t happy to buy an entire system solely to play just a few games (particularly with the NX release looming) but having them release around the launch of the new system makes a lot of sense.
Emily Rogers and and Neal Ronaghan, an IGN Freelancer and director over at Nintendo World Report have collaborated many some of the reports on the next Zelda, including that we might see a female Link (which would be rather interesting).
Neal did report that he expects a ‘Zelda blowout at E3’, which is just two short months away.
As usual, take these rumors with a truckload of salt until we hear official confirmation either way. But if Nintendo come out on stage Link a woman and several Wii U big hitters are destined to be NX bound, don’t be surprised!