Nvidia GeForce GTX 680M: Keplar is mobile…

Nvidia’s GTX 680 has been a success all around for the GPU giant, despite the normal high prices of a new graphics card launch, it continues to sell out.

For those who’re more into the idea of mobile gaming, Anandtech have a rather good article featuring the mobile version of the 680M,  giving you a great indication of its performance.

NVIDIA High-End Mobile GPU Specifications
GeForce GTX 680M GeForce GTX 675M GeForce GTX 660M
GPU and Process 28nm GK104 40nm GF114 28nm GK107
CUDA Cores 1344 384 Up to 384
GPU Clock 720MHz 620MHz 835MHz
Shader Clock 1240MHz
Memory Eff. Clock 3.6GHz 3GHz 4GHz
Memory Bus 256-bit 256-bit 128-bit
Memory Bandwidth 115.2GB/s 96GB/s 64GB/s
Memory Up to 4GB GDDR5 Up to 2GB GDDR5 Up to 2GB GDDR5

For more info, please check Anandtech

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