Resident Evil 7 To Be Unveiled at E3 2013?


Resident Evil 7 will be unveiled at E3 2013 if a leaked poster is anything to go by. Whether this supposed leaked poster is true or not remains a mystery and it is highly possible that it is indeed fake – and so you should take it with a truck load of salt.

The poster appears to be still in development – The Microsoft and Sony logos are just using place holders – which gives good indication that the title will be on next generation systems. The line “the war ends now” is written across the Resident Evil 7 logo – possibly marking that it will be the final installment in the series.

Previously, Capcom have had history of working on 2 different titles simultaneously (Resident Evil 3 and Code Veronica) for example. It is worth noting however that Capcom have said they are interested in either rebooting the series entirely, or going back more to its survival horror roots. Once again, take this rumor with a huge load of salt.

resident evil 7 leaked for e3 rumor