Rocket League Gets Spectator Mode & Other Shinies


The mighty Rocket League just got a rather hefty patch that adds a spectator mode, as well as a few other shinies.

The patch brings both the PC and PS4 version up to version 1.04, and also adds support for the upcoming Supersonic Fury DLC pack, which releases on August 13.

The patch also adds a new arena, the Utopia Colosseum arena, as well as the spectate and choose team menu in private matches.

There are also 70 more country flags, alongside three apology items from the devs because of the overloaded launch servers.

Other features include:

  • Added 3v3 Team Ranked as a replacement for 3v3 Solo the Online match queue.
  • Ranked matches will no longer start if the game is not full.
  • Added the ability to create or join Private Matches that can be named and/or password-protected.
  • Added “Vote to Forfeit” button to “Ranked” online matches.
  • Up to four Party member’s Battle-Cars can now be displayed on the Menu screens.