Rockstar Confirms Grand Theft Auto V For Spring 2013 For Consoles – PC Owners Will Have To Wait

Rockstar – GTAV for Spring 2013 for Console

On the other hand, I suspect a large percentage of gamers will also be a little frustrated by a statement on their official website:

“Hey guys, glad to see so much enthusiasm about the release announcement. For those asking about the PC platform, we’re currently focused on the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game and don’t have any details to share about a PC version at this time.”

Rockstar are promising GTA5 is going to be the largest and most impressive Grand Theft Auto title yet, and have confirmed that from November the 5th of this year, GTA5 will be available to pre-order. Sam Houser stated that “…we can’t wait to share it with our fans.”

I have to confess to being slightly biased as I am a PC gamer (although I do own both a 360 and PS3) and while I am excited about the news, it does tick me off somewhat that Rockstar do not even have any details to share about the PC version of the title.

It is worthy of note that GTA4 was released on the consoles late April 2008, while we received the PC version early December 2008. Whether or not we will see a similar delay or not is of course uncertain. Rockstar did receive some critism for the PC version of GTA4, due to lower than expected performance – although this was mostly to do with the game being ported from consoles (which had more CPU cores than most PC owners at the time had, many opting for CPU’s like Intel’s E8400 Dual Core, rather than a Quad Core). Quad core did make a large difference on the games performance. Rockstar have also not released a few other huge titles to PC of course, including the much acclaimed Red Dead Redemption, but on the other hand were snappy at releasing Max Payne 3.

Who is excited to explore Los Santos?

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