Saints Row 4 First Week Sales Pass 1 Million


DeepĀ  Silver has announced that Saints Row 4 has already sold 1 million copies during it’s first week after launch.

As well as this, Deep Silver also announced thatĀ in the first days of availability, the PC version of Saints Row 4 tripled the first week sales of Saints Row The Third.

The community for Saints Row 4 has also seen a significant increase, with a million user registrations processed within the first week of sale. The total user accounts registered now number over 1.3 million. But the information doesn’t stop there, as there have also been 806,908 pieces of new user generated content since the game came out, and also since the character customisation app, Inauguration Station, was released.

So it’s safe to say that despite worries over Saints Row 4 very much departing from the label “gangster game”, it is going from strength to strength. The game also has a Metacritic score of 86 out of 100.