Samsung Galaxy S III Review

It doesn’t seem too long ago I’d gotten my hands on the Galaxy S II… (actually, it wasnt, around nine months ago in fact… I guess I was a touch late to the party). But with Apple and Android war continuing in full swing, samsung were only too happy to continue their push for mobile dominance (much to the lament of Nokia and Blackberry no doubt!).

Anandtech have a full review, and reading it there are a few changes to the Galaxy S III which are extremely noteworthy, the doubling of RAM to 2GB from the Galaxy 2 1GB will certainly help speed things up when you’ve a plethora or applications open at once, an improved CPU 1.5 GHz MSM8960 Dual Core Krait compared to the 1.2 GHz Exynos 4210 Dual Core Cortex A9 of the Galaxy SII come to mind, but perhaps the thing which will really please people is the display: 4.8″ 1280×720 HD SAMOLED. The extra size and resolution will come into play, and although only about half an inch, it makes all the difference on a mobile device.

An improved battery life (at around 8 hours of 3G web browsing)) is another plus point. This is about double that of the previous model, although in some tests, it is slightly behind the older model, for example 5.3 hours in a Wi-Fi hot-spot compared to 6 hours with the S II.

Will it be enough to make me personally jump ship? Probably not. I’ve another 9 months before I can upgrade anyway, but even if that wasn’t the case I’m not sure I would tie myself into another contract yet, and I personally think the S IIII would be my next phone.

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