Shadow Warrior 60FPS But Runs 900P on Xbox One, Playstation 4 Manages 1080P


Flying Wild Hog’s Shadow Warrior made a name for itself on the PC last year the title being a reboot of a 1997 release. Since then we’ve learned it’ll be making its way to generation consoles. Since the title is fast paced and reliant on twitch reactions fans will be happy to know the title will indeed reach 60 frames per second on console, but while Sony’s PS4 will managed to hit the 1080P mark, the Xbox One will fall slightly short at only 900P.

“Shadow warrior is a fast paced game, so it was very important to have 60 fps. Also ­we didn’t want to cut any graphic features, so we decided to use 900p with 60fps,” Krzysztof  Narkowicz, the lead engine programmer  confirmed to GamingBolt.

The team also mentioned that they suffered from “Mainly CPU issues, as our engine didn’t scale for more than 2­-4 cores. This required a change of threading architecture and many parts of the engine needed a rewrite”

This is fairly logical, as many PC titles are typically focused on four CPU threads at max. This does no good targetting the low performance per core that the AMD jaguar CPU (which powers both the PS4 / X1) provides. This follows logically with what teams such as Sony’s SuckerPunch and Naughty Dog have mentioned regarding CPU performance. Sucker Punch have pointed out that the PS4’s CPU was the major bottleneck so far.

Meanwhile, the folks over at Naughty Dog have said just how expensive shifting data between the two cache modules (there are two modules of four x86-64 cores which comprise the Jaguar’s CPU).

We’ll see Shadow Warrior released on both next generation systems Summer 2014.