Sony have assured gamers once more that there will not be any plans for an always-online requirement for their new Playstation 4 system. Although this was suggested previously in interviews and presentations, Sony have now gone completely on record, and ruled it out.
“Did we consider it? No, we didn’t consider it,” Says Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide studios. This was during an interview with Gameinformer.
“The main reason being that many countries don’t have robust internet connections. It makes sense for people to have internet connections to play online games, but for offline games there are many countries that we saw do not really have robust internet.” He continued.
Previously, Shuhei had said that it was possible to take the system offline to play, but you might want to keep it connected.
I suppose in the wake of a rather famous series of twitter tweets from Microsoft, both companies are being that much more careful with their words when it comes to such things.
Right now, all is fantastic for gamers in Camp Sony and the PS4, but what about camp Microsoft? For months we’ve all been living under the prospect that an always online required Xbox. However, recently an email was circled which stated that this isn’t the case. Whether this email is indeed true or not, are of course right now, a mystery.
We’ll know a hell of a lot more in the reveal on the 21st of May. Until then, Sony are keen to keep pressing the fact that we simply do not know about the next generation Xbox system.