Star Citizen’s Squadron 42 Campaign Delayed

The singleplayer companion game to Star Citizen, which was originally given a vague 2016 launch window, has now been delayed.

As you probably recall, the singleplayer and multiplayer elements of Star Citizen were split back in February, essentially giving players the choice to not pay for a part of the game they weren’t interested in. Of course, you can still get both so it simply enables people not looking for a singleplayer/multiplayer experience to not pay for a product they’re not interested in.

The news of the release date delay of Squadron 42 was announced today by Cloud Imperium’s Chris Roberts: “As much as we wanted to have Squadron 42 for this year, it’s not going to be this year.”

There are apparently 28 chapters to the campaign, and Chris had hoped to have at least one chapter at shipping quality for CitizenCon this year, but sadly it was not meant to be. Cloud Imperium have been pretty happy to share unfinished multiplayer material, but they don’t seem keen to do the same with the singleplayer.

Of course, the campaign does re-use a lot of the assets from the multiplayer sections, but there is still work to be done even there as they’re distressed, destroyed or tailored for the story experience.

For those following the development of Star Citizen, this delay shouldn’t come as a surprise. There is still an absolute ton of work to do, even on what you would think is the more achievable section of the game. Still, I patiently await what Cloud Imperium have in store for us.