Starbound Almost Out of Early Access… Finally

Starbound has been in early access for a long time – over two years, in fact. But it seems the time has finally come, as Starbound is finally preparing to launch into the big leagues.

Patch 1.0 is apparently “getting close” and will bring with it numerous new features, including some reworked returning features and Steam Workshop support for mods. That doesn’t mean that patch 1.o is the end, though, developer Chucklefish have stressed that the launch will be complete but there will be more content coming after that.

Patch 1.0 will also be bringing eight instanced missions, each witht their own unique boss fight. Unlocking them will take some work from you, however, requiring you to hunt for clues, exploring, talking to NPCs and building your own colonies. Apparently, all of this will form a “cohesive narrative”.

As you might expect, the new update will also have some new biomes tucked under it’s wings. You’ll be able to find things like volcanoes, villages, microdungeons and full blown dungeons as well. Aiding the “cohesive narrative” will be some brand new side quests, which are procedurally generated quests you can grab from NPCs.

For fans of Starbound’s multiplayer, you’ll also be pleased to hear that it is also being greatly improved. There are also improvements to crafting, pet taming, and augmentation as well as the return of a hunger via a dedicated survival mode.

The patch is massive, as you’d probably expect, so read the full patch notes here if you like. You can also pick up Starbound on Steam.