If you were watching the Street Fighter 5 EVO livestream, you probably saw the reveal of one of the all new characters for SF5 get revealed.
According to a post on the Playstation Blog, the character is called Necalli has a “mysterious background”, and when speaking on his fighting style the post reads “utilizes a wild, animalistic fighting style to brutalize his opponents. There’s no finesse here as all of his attacks have been forged through the heat of battle to inflict maximum pain upon his opponents. However, beneath the surface of the crazed warrior lies a hidden genius that is unleashed upon V-Trigger activation.”
“Players who enjoy a straight forward, hard hitting character will feel right at home with Necalli, as he possesses a wide variety of savage, close range attacks, as well as a command grab, all with the goal of demolishing his foes.”
His V-Trigger essentially lets Necalli go super saiyan, as it changes his hair colour and personality for a short time, as well as allowing him to access new combos, frame data and a new critical art. You can see more info at the Blog itself, which is linked above, or by watching the trailer below.