Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Characters Release Date & Price

The “DLC” characters will cost you $20.

It has now been officially confirmed by Capcom that as of July 1st, you’ll be able to unlock those “DLC” characters for $20 on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

I’m sure you know which characters I am talking about if you follow fighting games at all. These characters sparked a huge backlash from gamers as it was discovered that the supposed DLC characters were already on the disc. And of course, to top it off, PS Vita owners will be getting these characters with their copy of the game for free.

Your hard earned $20, or 1600 Microsoft Points will unlock these characters; Blanka, Sakura, Guy, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Jack, Bryan Fury, Alisa, Lars, Lei and Christie.  There is also a free balance patch being released.

Here are some of the changes you can expect –

-Ryu, Ken and Akuma’s Tatsumaki Sempuu Kyaku have all had their hitboxes reduced in size.

-Rolento’s jabs have been addressed.

-Xiaoyu’s crouching hard kick phoenix loops.

-Raven’s crouching HP loops.

-Auto-block gem has been re-balanced.

It may be a little surprising, but Capcom actually didn’t leave the controversy unmentioned when confirming these details.

“I know the 12 DLC characters have been a contentious topic since they were discovered on the disc, but your reactions have been heard. We can cite our reasons why they were on the disc all day – compatability for all players, save HD space, download bandwidth etc – but in the end you have to hear what the community has to say. The dev teams are listening, and promise to incorporate that feedback into future titles – fighting or otherwise.”

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