ICE Team Playstation 4 Performance Boost Thanks to GPGPU Rendering

Much like Microsoft is trying to wring every last drop of performance out of the Xbox One, Sony must do the same for the Playstation 4. A few days ago (May 19th) rumors surfaced that the PS4 would be on…

Killzone 3 vs Killzone Shadow Fall Technology – PS3 Vs PS4 Analysis Part 1

The Playstation 4 flexed its graphical prowess with the launch game: Killzone Shadow Fall; undoubtedly making for one of the most impressive graphical debuts of a console yet. As many know, launch titles with consoles are either rush jobs, or…

Playstation 4 GPU & Next Gen AMD Radeon Volcanic Island GPU Compute Similarities

The Playstation 4 and the Radeon R9 280X(known as AMD Volcanic Islands) may share quite a few similarities with each other, in particular in the way their Asynchronous Compute Engines (ACE) function. Both the Playstation 4 and AMD’s soon to be…