Most of you have probably seen the Twitter posts from Microsoft creative director Adam Orth, which told haters of always online DRM to “deal with it.” Microsoft have issued an official apology. If you haven’t seen our original article on…

Most of you have probably seen the Twitter posts from Microsoft creative director Adam Orth, which told haters of always online DRM to “deal with it.” Microsoft have issued an official apology. If you haven’t seen our original article on…
SimCity 5 stirred up a storm of rage over Always On DRM, and here we talk about why it shouldn’t always be used for PC or console games. If there’s one way to upset a PC gamer, it isn’t bugs…
EA has improved the server capacity for SimCity 5, and is also attempting to clear the air with an apology – with a free game. EA has now said that SimCity 5 ‘s servers have now improved significantly, with their…