Pieces Interactive, the guys behind the upcoming Magicka 2, discussed in a recent interview what their opinion of DirectX 12 was, as developers. What they had to say was rather interesting. They echoed the positive comments a lot of devs…

Pieces Interactive, the guys behind the upcoming Magicka 2, discussed in a recent interview what their opinion of DirectX 12 was, as developers. What they had to say was rather interesting. They echoed the positive comments a lot of devs…
With Windows 10’s release drawing ever closer, DirectX 12 news continues to pop up thick and fast. A few days ago, AMD revealed that the Asynchronous Shaders, (which is part of DirectX 12 specs) and the Graphics Core Next (GCN)…
Microsoft’s decision to build a Universal Windows Platform has been on the mind of developers for some time, and we first heard murmurs of the companies plans last year. But now, at the Build 2015 conference, Microsoft have finally provided…
Although I’m in danger of repeating myself a little, there’s a lot of excitement in the air for Microsoft’s DirectX 12 and for good reason too. The new API has a lot of benefits over the old guard (DX11), including…
For months we’ve been reading about the performance supposed performance benefits of DirectX 12 with no real way of testing anything for ourselves – and now finally Futuremark have released an update for their 3DMark benchmarking software. This update provides…
Brad Wardell, the CEO of Stardock Studios, has been a long time advocate of the performance of the ‘next gen’ API’s, such as DirectX 12 and AMD’s Mantle. He’s has also been more vocal than a lot of developers (who’ve…
Phil Spencer is the chap Microsoft appointed to be head of the Xbox division, replacing Don Mattrick back in July. Since Phil has taken up the mantle of chief, it’s fair to say the Xbox One is being seen in…
Console memory is a key cause for concern with developers, and after the previous generations RAM limitations with both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, it’s fair to say anticipation was high how much RAM Microsoft and Sony would pack…
Back in GDC 2014 Microsoft formally unveiled it was working on DirectX 12, which would be the focus of radical changes to Microsoft’s flagship API. Taking a rather Mantle (or console) like approach, it would provide control to the GPU…
There are two groups of gamer’s who’re eager to get their hands on any DirectX 12 information, the first being PC gamer’s and the second Xbox One owners. Microsoft’s newest API isn’t being released until next year, but it’s showing…
AMD’s shiny new API is out in the wild, already developers such as DICE are embracing Mantle and users who’ve opted for certain AMD GPU’s are taking advantage of the performance gains. But let’s say you’re torn between buying an…
When it comes to Sony’s strategies for console optimization, ICE Team are the ones usually in the lime light. But in reality, there are other teams also responsible for producing the tools, strategies and optimizations to improve the systems performance…
Chances are good that if you’ve been following along with gaming news recently, you’ve had your interests piqued with regards to last years announcement Microsoft will be bringing DirectX 12 to their Xbox One console. There has been a lot…
Since the Playstation 4 or Xbox One’s specs were leaked online both gamer’s and media have placed a lot of their focus on both the resolution a game runs at, along with its frame rate. Much of the the Xbox…
The topic of Mantle, DX12 and various other API’s is popping up a lot recently, and just yesterday we’d discussed comments between ICE Team, Naughty Dog and other developers providing insights into their thoughts on the various competing offerings. Today…