Playstation 4 CPU & GPU Profiling Information Unveiled

When it comes to Sony’s strategies for console optimization, ICE Team are the ones usually in the lime light. But in reality, there are other teams also responsible for producing the tools, strategies and optimizations to improve the systems performance…

Xbox One’s eSRAM Performance Discussed by Wolfgang Engel

There’s much been made of the Xbox One’s specs, but despite the fact it’s giving up some GPU grunt to the Playstation 4, the largest criticism leveled at the console is likely at the eSRAM. The eSRAM is 32MB of…

Jargon Buster – Learn Your CPU From Your GPU & RAM From HUMA

Despite our best attempts to make our tech analysis and post-mortems as in-depth and easy to understand as possible, not everyone is aware of some of the basic terms and phrases that we throw about frequently. In this very article…

Xbox One eSRAM “Not Complex, Just a Bottleneck”, Claims Developer

The Xbox One’s eSRAM has continued to be in the news since before even the consoles release, but for all of the wrong reasons. It’s often attributed to the systems lower performance “I don’t get this obsession with MS fanboys…

AMD Kevari Architecture GDDR5 Support

AMD have their fingers in many pies recently, pushing PC development along with providing the APU technology residing inside the PS4 and X1. Recently, AMD’s own Developers Guide for the BIOS and Kernels of the Kevari hints of remnants of GDDR5 support…

Exclusive AMD Interview – Discussing GCN Architecture, Compute Performance & The Future Part 1

AMD are one of the biggest forces in next generation gaming right now. AMD are producing the chips for the next generation consoles, the Playstation 4, Wii U and Xbox One. Additionally, the Radeon R9 290X is one of the…