Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps Announced For PC & PS4 | WHY CAPCOM WHY

Capcom have just announced their first new Resident Evil game that isn’t a HD remake for the first time in years. However, Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps is a far cry from the return to survival horror we all want. RE…

Resident Evil Revelations 2 – New Screenshots Out

Capcom has released some more screenshots for the upcoming title, Resident Evil Revelations 2. These new screens focus on the two protagonists, Claire and Moira abandoned island detention facility and run into some rather unfriendly mutant residents. You can see…

Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition Screenshots & System Requirements

As I discussed in a recent video, Capcom has revealed Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition, a new and improved version for the PC. They also released some screenshots. Most of the details on the changes made, (which obviously include…

First Deep Down Screenshots Released

Capcom has released five new screenshots for the upcoming PS4 exclusive, Deep Down. These are the first images to be released for the game, which was revealed in Sony Japan’s press conference last week. It has also been revealed that…

DMC Devil May Cry Bloody Palace Mode Screenshots!

DmC Devil May Cry is getting a free piece of DLC, Bloody Palace Check out the screenshots of the recently announced DLC, Bloody Palace mode – but don’t worry, this piece of Downloadable Content Capcom are making free for those…