Dark Souls 2 – New Screenshots Show Off Enemies, Level Up Screen & More

Dark Souls 2 is another game we’ve been seeing a lot of lately, and I doubt this will be the last we see of it. A ton of new screenshots have just been released, mostly focusing on combat. Saying that…

More Dark Souls 2 Screenshots Released

Namco Bandai has graced us with some more Dark Souls 2 screenshots, which are mostly focused on the Convenants and the game’s multiplayer mode. For those of you wondering, the Convenants are groups a little like factions, which a player…

First Dark Souls 2 Screenshots Released

These are the first Dark Souls 2 gameplay screenshots, released alongside a Dark Souls 2 gameplay video yesterday. It will be the first game in the Souls series not to be done by creator from Hidetaka Miyazaki. Instead Tomohiro Shibuya…