Nippon Ichi Working On 2 Unannounced Games To Be Released In 2014

Nippon Ichi, one of the bigger publishers in the grand nation of Japan, are apparently working on two unannounced games. Now, these games, which we do not even know the title, theme, or ANYTHING of, are due to come out…

Xbox One – ESRAM & 720P – Why It’s Causing A Resolution Bottleneck – Analysis

The ESRAM of the Xbox One is perhaps the single largest issue developers are facing right now when porting games over to the machine. Leaks and rumors say it’s not only responsible for the lower native resolution of Xbox One…

Child of Light Screenshots Released

Ubisoft has officially released some screenshots for Child of Light, as well as a ton of information on the game. This title, which is coming to both PC and console, is being developed with Patrick Plourde at the home, creative…

More Wolfenstein The New Order Screenshots & First Gameplay Video

Bethesda has released more screenshots for Wolfenstein The New Order, alongside the very first gameplay video. This new load of screens and the first gameplay video released for the title also coincides with the newest previews of the game. Wolfenstein…

EA MOBA Dawngate Revealed Via Website – Latest News

Dawngate, an EA MOBA which has yet to be officially announced, has been revealed by the launch of it’s website. The site, which was helpfully spotted by Superannuation, also lists Waypoint Games as the MOBA games’ developer. The ‘About’ section…

New Wolfenstein The New Order Screenshots Released

Bethesda has released a batch of new Wolfenstein The New Order screenshots today, which is an upcoming cross platform release from Machine Games. This upcoming FPS is being developed by Machine Games who, as some of may know, is made…

First Wolfenstein The New Order Screenshots Released

Bethesda has released the first lot of Wolfenstein The New Order screenshots today, which was confirmed yesterday. The New Order is being developed by Machine Games, which is made up of former Starbreeze devs, and will be coming out as…

New Wolfenstein Game, The New Order, Announced for Xbox 360, PC, PS3 & Next Gen

Bethesda has just announced Wolfenstein The New Order, an FPS slated for a cross platform release in Q4 2013. This upcoming FPS is being developed by Machine Games who, as some of may know, is made up of former key…

Total War Rome 2 – Ninth Playable Faction Revealed

Sega has revealed the ninth playable faction for Total War Rome 2 to be Pontus. It was confirmed via the Total War Wiki that the Pontic faction would be joining the Roman, Carthage, Macedon, Iceni, Arverni, Suebi, Parthia and Egypt…

New Borderlands 2 DLC Adds New Character – Krieg, Increases Level Cap & Adds Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode

Gearbox revealed a bunch of DLC for Borderlands 2 at PAX East 2o13, one of which was a brand new playable character. Krieg, the sixth playable character for Borderlands 2, is based on the Psycho enemies andĀ  specialises in melee…

Rome 2 Total War Eighth Playable Faction Reveal – Screenshot

Sega has revealed the eighth faction for Rome 2 Total War as Egypt, but also added that they may be adding more later on. The Egyptian faction will be joining those already revealed, which are the Roman, Carthage, Macedon, Iceni,…

Rome 2 Total War – Seventh Playable Faction Revealed

Sega has revealed the seventh playable faction for Rome 2 Total War as Parthia. Information and screenshot below. Parthia will be included in the upcoming Total War Rome 2 as the 7th playable faction to be revealed. Previously announced factions…

DMC Devil May Cry Bloody Palace Mode Screenshots!

DmC Devil May Cry is getting a free piece of DLC, Bloody Palace Check out the screenshots of the recently announced DLC, Bloody Palace mode – but don’t worry, this piece of Downloadable Content Capcom are making free for those…

Rockstar Confirms Grand Theft Auto V For Spring 2013 For Consoles – PC Owners Will Have To Wait

RockstarĀ – GTAV for Spring 2013 for Console On the other hand, I suspect a large percentage of gamers will also be a little frustrated by a statement on their official website: “Hey guys, glad to see so much enthusiasm about…