PS4 – Developers Were Speechless When 8GB GDDR5 Ram Was Announced

Sony’s Playstation 4 is pretty infamous by now for its memory system. The Playstation 4 sports 8GB of GDDR5 memory, giving a total bandwidth of 176GB/s of unified memory, with a robust bus structure to help send data whizzing around…

Microsoft Internal Memo – Next Gen Xbox Doesn’t Require Online

It seems so simple doesn’t it? For years we’ve been putting the disc into the console, hitting a button and listening to the all too familiar whirring as the game loads up. That’s it, as simple as it gets really.…

Next Generation XBox – Yours For $300 plus 15 a month?

There have been numerous rumors of late concerning Microsoft’s next entry into the console market. Just yesterday I mentioned that the system will possibly be called fusion. and then there have been the price rumors. Paul Thurrott, who is well known…

Next Generation Xbox Possibly – Fusion?

If you’ve been following the next generation Xbox news for any length of time, chances are good that you’ve come to call the system either Xbox 720, or just as commonly Durango. However, it was rather unlikely that either of…

Durango CPU Architecture Analysis

In a recent article, I went into how the Durango’s Move Engines are going to function, and I’ve also gone into depth on several other articles about performances of the CPU vs desktop, but in this article we’ll be going…

Xbox 720 Durango – What are ‘Move Engines’

Xbox 720 Move Engines – How they Work The Xbox 720 hasn’t been formally announced yet, but we know that it’s coming – and soon. The 21st of May will mark the day that the next generation Xbox is shown…

Xbox 720 Reveal On May 21st

Microsoft are going to unveil their next generation Xbox (known as either the Xbox 720 or Durango) next month, May 21st, Tuesday at 6PM UK time – or 10AM PST. The announcement comes from Major Nelson’s blog. He writes –…

Beyond The Power – What Next Generation Gives You

What Will PS4 and Xbox 720 Bring Other Than Faster Hardware We expect the next generation of consoles – The XBox 720 and Playstation 4 to be substantially better spec wise than the previous generation. It’s not an unfair expectation,…

Microsoft Officially Apologises for Orth’s “Deal With It” Comments on Always on DRM

Most of you have probably seen the Twitter posts from Microsoft creative director Adam Orth, which told haters of always online DRM to “deal with it.” Microsoft have issued an official apology. If you haven’t seen our original article on…

Xbox 720 ‘Durango’ Vs Playstation 4 Orbis – Comparison of Latest Hardware Specifications

Xbox 720 Durango vs Playstation 4 Orbis Tech Specs Compared The Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 have been firmly established in the hearts and minds of gamers by now – and everyone is aware of what the consoles can do.…