Reasons Behind Battlefield Hardline Release Date Delay

Well, not long after my previous post regarding the Battlefield Hardline devs promising a more stable game this year compared to Battlefield 4, Visceral Games came out and announced that Battlefield Harldine will be delayed until early 2015. I don’t…

Electronic Arts Plans to Fundamentally Shift How It Creates Games Says CEO

Electronic Arts clearly is doing everything it can to avoid winning yet another worse company in America award. Their CEO Andrew Wilson is putting a plan in place to once again regain fondest in the hearts of gamer’s. The plan…

Battlefield Hardline Trailer Has Been Leaked

Just yesterday we reported that Electronic Art’s new Battlefield title, known as Battlefield Hardline was in development by Visceral Games. There was a bunch of different icons, images and other bits and pieces released in the leak. Since then, Electronic…

Xbox One and PS4 ‘Generation Ahead of Gaming PC’s’

Rajat Taneja, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Electronic Arts made huge waves in the tech industry when he recently said to Linkedin “Both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have adopted electronics and an integrated systems-on-a -chip…

EA Forms a Star Wars Focused DICE Studio

Electronic Arts recently acquired the rights to develop all of the Star Wars games, on PC and consoles and it looks to be taking full advantage of that. A new Los Angeles Branch of DICE has been created, and their…

E3 2012 Battlefield 3 Armored Kill DLC Arriving in September

EA have announced that the second of the three Battlefield 3 DLC’s is going to be released this September. This follows on from Close Quarters which is set for release later this month. There are more details expected from Electronic…