Xbox One – 10 Percent Faster Thanks To Soon To Be Released Drivers?

UPDATE: There has been several developments on this – for more info click here. ORIGINAL STORY You might remember recent news I posted regarding the Xbox One and a supposed driver update which was on the cards. Ashan Rasheed, better…

Xbox One – The Hardware Specs and Architecture

Now the Xbox One has seen a release in 13 territories around the world. Now people have torn the thing open, and explored just what makes the black box tick. While we have a reasonable idea exactly how the system ticks,…

eSRAM Provides Massive Speedup – Does it For XBox One?

The Xbox One’s memory system – primarily the ESRAM has been the subject of much discussion in the gaming news media. Just a few weeks ago, I ran the piece discussing the issues with the Xbox One’s ESRAM and Resolution…

Xbox One – ESRAM & 720P – Why It’s Causing A Resolution Bottleneck – Analysis

The ESRAM of the Xbox One is perhaps the single largest issue developers are facing right now when porting games over to the machine. Leaks and rumors say it’s not only responsible for the lower native resolution of Xbox One…

PS4 Vs Xbox One – GDDR5 Vs DDR3 Memory Latency

GDDR5 vs DDR3 Latency & Bandwidth. Since the Playstation 4’s and Xbox One’s specs were leaked on the internet (but of course, back then the systems were known as Orbis and Durango), there’s been much debate regarding the latency of…

Xbox One Vs Playstation 4 Hardware Performance

For those I’ve spoken to who watched Microsoft’s Xbox One press conference, one thing stuck out like a sore thumb (aside from lack of games) – the speed they rattled through the tech. Only general terms were used – 8GB…

Xbox 720 Durango – What are ‘Move Engines’

Xbox 720 Move Engines – How they Work The Xbox 720 hasn’t been formally announced yet, but we know that it’s coming – and soon. The 21st of May will mark the day that the next generation Xbox is shown…