Not much has really happened with the Playstation since it launched back in 2013 in Japan and 2014 in North America. But it now seems as if the PS TV’s time is at an end, as the official product listing…

Not much has really happened with the Playstation since it launched back in 2013 in Japan and 2014 in North America. But it now seems as if the PS TV’s time is at an end, as the official product listing…
This one has certainly been a long time coming, but we will be finally seeing Star Fox and the crew November 20th, 2015 in North America and Europe only on Wii U. Star Fox Zero is being co-developed with Platinum Games,…
You remember Odin Sphere, a game that released on the PS2? Well, a HD remaster is coming to North America. We don’t know the exact release date, but we do know that Odin Sphere Leifthrasir will be a digital and…
Around E3 time 2014 we got news that the notorious PlayStation TV may be making an appearance in Europe by end of year 2014. During Gamescom this week, Sony confirmed that the aforementioned PlayStation TV will indeed be coming in…
At E3 2014 Sony announced the spectacular looking White variant of the PS4, but only bundled with Destiny. Although we are sure Bungie’s first person sci-fi shooter Destiny will be an extremely profitable game, there are still many consumers who…
Atlus has finally announced that Persona 5 will be making it’s way to North America in 2015. There is no mention of an EU or Oceania release at this time. As you might expect, the next entry in the classic…
Beyond: Two Souls, the latest title from Quantic Dream, has reached sales figures of over one million worldwide units sold. This is a fairly impressive feat, as the game has only been out for just under three months, with it…
Nintendo have officially revealed a special version of the 3DS XL featuring Pikachu, which will probably end up being a rare find in the future, just like their Pikachu N64. The Pikachu themed 3DS XL (3DS LL in Japan) will…
All of you out there that have been waiting to play Phantasy Star Online 2 will be pleased to hear that Sega has confirmed an “early 2013” western release date. No specific dates are out for the US and EU…