Don’t Worry, Overwatch Has Dedicated Servers & Custom Matches

Blizzard may be newbies when it comes to first person shooters, but they definitely know what the PC gaming market wants. And two things they definitely want in an FPS are dedicated servers and custom matches. In a recent interview…

Assassins Creed Unity 900p / 30fps For Both PS4 & Xbox One. Is it Really Any Consoles Fault?

I don’t know about you, but almost every week I have red mark upon my forehead from a repeat face palm due to another ridiculous move by Ubisoft. Ubisoft, why, why do you repeatedly make stupid retractions and have uninformed…

Reasons Behind Battlefield Hardline Release Date Delay

Well, not long after my previous post regarding the Battlefield Hardline devs promising a more stable game this year compared to Battlefield 4, Visceral Games came out and announced that Battlefield Harldine will be delayed until early 2015. I don’t…

Youtube – 60 FPS, Tipping & More Announced

YouTube announced at VidCon 2014, that the video-sharing site will be adding few new features which will benefit gaming enthusiasts. The most exiting announcements were the future support of 42fps & 60fps uploads. A 30fps limit has been a big…

Dead Rising 3 ‘Expect It To Still Run Fine Uncapped’ | Minimum & Recommend Specs Revealed

The PC version of Capcom’s previously Xbox One exclusive, Dead Rising 3 will be available on the 5th September, 2014. Excitement regarding the titles release was dampened when news of the frame rate of only 30FPS hit, PC gamer’s deeming…

Watch Dogs – Ubisoft Clears Up PS4 & Xbox Resolution Mess

As you probably know (how could you not?), Sony made a rather large boo boo yesterday by incorrectly reporting Watch Dogs frame rate and resolution. Fortunately, Ubisoft has stepped in and clarified matters with some cold, hard facts. Posting  on…

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes – Runs At 1080p On PS4 & 720p On Xbox One

As CrimsonRayne recently discussed, Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes have had it’s resolution and framerate revealed for both the Xbox One and Playstation 4. I won’t go too much into the differences here, as Crimson discusses it in quite…

DC Universe Online – Cross Platform Play Between PS3 & PS4 Confirmed

It has been revealed that DC Universe Online will be sharing it’s servers across the versions for PS3 and PS4, meaning that gamers will be getting cross platform play. This news was confirmed by DC Universe Online senior creative director…