Jargon Buster – Learn Your CPU From Your GPU & RAM From HUMA

Despite our best attempts to make our tech analysis and post-mortems as in-depth and easy to understand as possible, not everyone is aware of some of the basic terms and phrases that we throw about frequently. In this very article…

eSRAM Provides Massive Speedup – Does it For XBox One?

The Xbox One’s memory system – primarily the ESRAM has been the subject of much discussion in the gaming news media. Just a few weeks ago, I ran the piece discussing the issues with the Xbox One’s ESRAM and Resolution…

Xbox One – ESRAM & 720P – Why It’s Causing A Resolution Bottleneck – Analysis

The ESRAM of the Xbox One is perhaps the single largest issue developers are facing right now when porting games over to the machine. Leaks and rumors say it’s not only responsible for the lower native resolution of Xbox One…