Playstation 4 CPU & GPU Profiling Information Unveiled

When it comes to Sony’s strategies for console optimization, ICE Team are the ones usually in the lime light. But in reality, there are other teams also responsible for producing the tools, strategies and optimizations to improve the systems performance…

Xbox One GPU – Confirmed 10 Percent Performance Boost Thanks To Update | How It Works

An increase in the Xbox One’s GPU performance was recently mentioned on Twitter by Phil Spencer, but the original tweet provided little more than a tidbit of information. Microsoft have since provided much a needed insight to what the update means…

DirectX 12 & Mantle – AMD Comment on new API – Exclusive Interview

The news of Microsoft’s new API has spread around the internet rather quickly, and despite there still being a little confusion regarding the API it’s going to be great news for PC gamer’s. In theory, it should provide huge reductions…

AMD Radeon R7 250 1GB GDDR5 Review & Benchmarking

The Radeon R7 250 surprised me – I wasn’t expecting great performance for what is marketed towards the lower end of the performance segment as the R7 250 can be had for around the 60 pounds mark, which represents a…

Frostbite Technical Director Discusses PS4 API & PS3 SPU vs PS4 ACE

Unless you’re living in a cave, there’s a good chance you’ve heard much regarding AMD’s Mantle API (Application Programming Interface) which provides low level access to the GPU, thus reducing CPU overhead on the PC. We know that DirectX 12…

PS4 Architecture Naughty Dog SINFO Analysis & Technical Breakdown

Part 2 A new light has been shined on the Playstation 4’s architecture thanks to Naughty Dog during their lecture at SINFO. This lecture is pretty damn technical, and several viewers / readers requested that I do a technical breakdown…

PS4 Architecture Naughty Dog SINFO Analysis & Technical Breakdown Part 2

Part 1 The Playstation 4’s Job System is very similar to design of the PS3 (hence the reason we’ve just taken a look at it). Each of the six cores from the AMD Jaguar are responsible for performing different tasks.…

Bink Video Performance Update On X1, PS4 & PC From Devs

Yesterday we reported on a story that was circulating regarding the performance of RadGameTool’s Bink Video 2.4. During the story we reported that RadGameTool’s own website reported the performance numbers of producing a frame of 4K video on both the PS4/X1…

Xbox One Insider Doubts 1080p/60fps – Not Enough Speed / Power

Pete Dodd, better known to many as FamousMortimer is a well known leaker and industry insider. Recently he has taken to Twitter, discussing subjects of the Xbox One’s performance and User Interface. He began, “I talked to so many devs who…

Nintendo Fusion Terminal & Fusion DS Rumor Analysis

Sony and Microsoft’s next generation consoles (or should I say, current generation consoles) the Playstation 4 and Xbox One are pretty impressive pieces of kit. The Wii U by technical comparison is lacking, in CPU, RAM and GPU terms it…

AMD TressFX 2.0 – Capable Of Doing Much More Than Hair

Hair in computer games is notoriously hard to get ‘right’. Often, it’s too stiff, with very little animation involved. Also, generally there’s lack of detail and separation from the individual strands of hair. AMD have been looking to change that…

Mantle API For BattleField 4 Delayed A Month Confirm AMD (updated)

Update: AMD have commented on the reason for delay, and have said “The cause of the delay is due to EA’s recent decision to halt game development in favor of bug stomping.” While disappointing, at least they’re delaying for a good…

Killzone 3 vs Killzone Shadow Fall Technology – PS3 Vs PS4 Analysis Part 1

The Playstation 4 flexed its graphical prowess with the launch game: Killzone Shadow Fall; undoubtedly making for one of the most impressive graphical debuts of a console yet. As many know, launch titles with consoles are either rush jobs, or…

AMD Mantle – Works On Nvidia GPU’s, 100,000 Draw Calls & Similar to PS4 API Library

AMD’s new Mantle API will likely be familiar to many of you by now, and it’s looking to be an impressive piece of technology. I’ve already wrote a large piece on AMD’s Mantle (click for article) but now we’re learning…