Activision’s Star Wars Battlefront & Battlefield Hardline – Release Dates

Two big games I know everyone has been looking forward too with anticipation to when we get to play these games. Now we finally get some more information on when we will see these two AAA games coming to store’s…

Battlefield Hardline Trailer Has Been Leaked

Just yesterday we reported that Electronic Art’s new Battlefield title, known as Battlefield Hardline was in development by Visceral Games. There was a bunch of different icons, images and other bits and pieces released in the leak. Since then, Electronic…

BattleField: Hardline Leaked – New BattleField by Visceral Games

Despite the mixed reception Battlefield 4 has received by players (due mostly to the bugs) it would appear that EA’s Visceral Games have been eagerly beavering away at BattleField Hardline. This possible leak comes about due to an update on…