Starbound has been in early access for a long time – over two years, in fact. But it seems the time has finally come, as Starbound is finally preparing to launch into the big leagues. Patch 1.0 is apparently “getting…

Starbound has been in early access for a long time – over two years, in fact. But it seems the time has finally come, as Starbound is finally preparing to launch into the big leagues. Patch 1.0 is apparently “getting…
As with most things, a new season brings a new truckload of changes, and Killer Instinct season 3 is no different. Alongside the expected balance changes, new characters and new features, the third season of Double Helix’s fighter will also…
The lucky few who were able to get into the closed beta for Overwatch have undoubtedly been jonesing for it since Blizzard took it down in December. But finally, Blizzard have announced that it will be returning next week on…
Valve’s HTC Vive is one of the main contenders for the Virtual Reality throne in the PC gaming space. Now, HTC have revealed an update to the VR headset that features a front-facing camera. Apparently, the Vive will use this…
Dishonored is a great game, and is actually one of the very few stealth focused games that I personally enjoyed. I began my playthrough hacking my way through the poor unfortunate guards, but before long I changed tactics and decided…
Ubisoft have released some information on the latest upcoming patch for The Crew. The star of the show is undoubtedly the newly added PvP mode, but the update also comes with the usual host of fixes and gameplay changes. You…
Bungie has, as helpful as ever, gone through the improvements coming to Iron Banner when it returns to Destiny next year. As you Destiny buffs undoubtedly know, the Iron Banner is a competitive multiplayer mode made available which is only…
YouTube announced at VidCon 2014, that the video-sharing site will be adding few new features which will benefit gaming enthusiasts. The most exiting announcements were the future support of 42fps & 60fps uploads. A 30fps limit has been a big…
After a few leaks and rumors running free and wild on the open plains of the internet, Activision have officially revealed Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare as the next title on their FPS franchise, as well as showing the first…
The upcoming Tomb Raider Definitive Edition will not be making it’s way to PC, Eidos has confirmed. Eidos officially confirmed this today, with a post on their forums’ FAQ; “Tomb Raider Definitive Edition was designed and rebuilt from the ground…