Youtube – 60 FPS, Tipping & More Announced

YouTube announced at VidCon 2014, that the video-sharing site will be adding few new features which will benefit gaming enthusiasts. The most exiting announcements were the future support of 42fps & 60fps uploads. A 30fps limit has been a big…

First Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Screenshots Inside !!

After a few leaks and rumors running free and wild on the open plains of the internet, Activision have officially revealed Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare as the next title on their FPS franchise, as well as showing the first…

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Not Coming To PC

The upcoming Tomb Raider Definitive Edition will not be making it’s way to PC, Eidos has confirmed. Eidos officially confirmed this today, with a post on their forums’ FAQ; “Tomb Raider Definitive Edition was designed and rebuilt from the ground…