Apple’s iBoot Source Code Released To Public Opening Up Devices For Hacks

It’s no secret that Apple are fiercely protective of their iOS devices and the walled garden ecosystem they have created around their products. Unfortunately for the company, someone has released the source code for iOS iBoot online, potentially opening up…

Apple investigated by the U.S. Government Over iPhone Slowdown

America’s Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission have launched an investigation if Apple violated securities laws for its failure to disclose the update which caused older iPhone’s processor performance to throttle. “We have received questions from some government…

Five Nights at Freddy’s World Spin-Off RPG Announced

Scott Cawthorn has announced a surprising addition to the Five Night’s at Freddy’s hit franchise – Five Nights at Freddy’s World, a spin-off RPG. Scott gave a little bit of information in a Steam Community post, saying, “It’s very important…

Microsoft To Showoff ‘Woodstock’ Xbox Music Service At E3

The Verge have revealed that Microsoft will be showing off its Zune replacement at the upcoming E3 show. The new replacement, (currently codenamed Woodstock) will support cross platform play, with Windows 8, Android, IOS, XBOX 360 playable from a browser. It’s…