Intel’s Broadwell CPU’s to Arrive Later in 2014

If you’ve been hanging on for news on the release date of Intel’s Broadwell CPU there’s some light at the end of the tunnel, it should arrive during 2014. Reuters are reporting that Brian Krzaninch from Intel has confirmed Broadwell…

Battlefield 4 – Naval Strike DLC Screenshots

Battlefield 4 and it’s Naval Strike DLC, had a rather lovely amount of information revealed today, alongside some tasty screenshots. Most of the pertinent information regarding the four maps being included in the DLC expansion, Lost Islands, Wave Breaker, Nansha…

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Not Coming To PC

The upcoming Tomb Raider Definitive Edition will not be making it’s way to PC, Eidos has confirmed. Eidos officially confirmed this today, with a post on their forums’ FAQ; “Tomb Raider Definitive Edition was designed and rebuilt from the ground…

Lego The Hobbit Game Officially Confirmed

A game version of Lego The Hobbit has now moved from the land of rumor, as it has been officially confirmed by Warner Bros Entertainment. This installment in the Lego LOTR series will be based on the first two films…

HMV To Hold Grand Theft Auto 5 Midnight Launches

UK  retailer HMV has announced that it will be hosting  midnight launches for Rockstar’s upcoming Grand Theft Auto V. This announcement came to us via their Twitter, where they officially said that some of the remaining stores across the country…

Sony’s Jack Tretton Says PS4 Pre Owned DRM Is “Up to third parties”

Sony has confirmed, only a day after their conference at E3 2013, that they will not enforce any pre owned DRM, but the decision for third party games will be down to publishers. CEO Jack Tretton appeared on GTTV and…

SimCity 5 Servers Improved – Latest News on the State of the Game

EA has improved the server capacity for SimCity 5, and is also attempting to clear the air with an apology – with a free game. EA has now said that SimCity 5 ‘s servers have now improved significantly, with their…