Watch Dogs finally out in the shops and so for users who have access to both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One versions of the title you’ll likely have questions of which machine will provide you the better gameplay experience?…

Watch Dogs finally out in the shops and so for users who have access to both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One versions of the title you’ll likely have questions of which machine will provide you the better gameplay experience?…
With the PS4’s debut we’d seen a short and telling trailer of “The Order 1886”, at first glance the title looked to be some type of steam-punk horror title which was all it really took when combined with the gorgeous…
Dragon Age Inquisition has had some new screenshots released in celebration of the storyline being deemed fully playable by Bioware. I covered most of the information regarding the state of DA 3 Inquisition and it’s development at Bioware in the…
Killzone Shadow Fall is one of the PS4’s debut titles, and it will serve to be a showcase of just what the PlayStation 4 is capable of. The game will boast vastly improved textures, huge environments and amazing lighting effects. IN…