Little to nothing is known for certain about the Xbox Series S, otherwise known as Xbox Lockhart. The expected reveal of this little brother to the full-fat Xbox Series X is rumoured to come at the next Xbox event from…

Little to nothing is known for certain about the Xbox Series S, otherwise known as Xbox Lockhart. The expected reveal of this little brother to the full-fat Xbox Series X is rumoured to come at the next Xbox event from…
Back in 2014 I wrote a story regarding the new Zelda Wii U footage. I was really excited, not just because it looked superb, but that the release was set for a very confident 2015. Looks as if my scepticism…
We all know that Assassin’s Creed: Unity will not be coming to the Wii U, especially since the console is under-powered compared to the PS4 and Xbox One and we all know the debate going on regarding Ubisoft struggling with…
A next gen Sonic game may be coming to Xbox One, PS4 and the Wii U, of a display at the Jazwares booth during last week’s Nuremberg Toy Fair is to be believed. This sign, which is shown in the…
The upcoming Tomb Raider Definitive Edition will not be making it’s way to PC, Eidos has confirmed. Eidos officially confirmed this today, with a post on their forums’ FAQ; “Tomb Raider Definitive Edition was designed and rebuilt from the ground…
Capcom has released five new screenshots for the upcoming PS4 exclusive, Deep Down. These are the first images to be released for the game, which was revealed in Sony Japan’s press conference last week. It has also been revealed that…
Sony has confirmed, only a day after their conference at E3 2013, that they will not enforce any pre owned DRM, but the decision for third party games will be down to publishers. CEO Jack Tretton appeared on GTTV and…
What Will PS4 and Xbox 720 Bring Other Than Faster Hardware We expect the next generation of consoles – The XBox 720 and Playstation 4 to be substantially better spec wise than the previous generation. It’s not an unfair expectation,…
With internet connections getting faster by the minute (I remember when 56K modems were considered the standard, and cable modem owners with their 512KB were considered extremely lucky…) it was rumored that Sony were considering making the PS4 online only, as in,…
IGN have an interesting article which he predicts the each of the next generation systems will sell poorly. What are peoples thoughts on this? Are we going to see poor performance in sales for the next generations of consoles life?…