Playstation 4K GPU Twice As Powerful; CPU Info & Launch Titles Discussed

Sony’s Playstation 4 upgrade will offer a significant performance boost over the vanilla console if these latest rumors are to be believed. The Playstation 4K (or PS4.5) will feature a GPU which provides twice the performance of the original model,…

Playstation 4.5 Is Real | Sony Working On Playstation 4K Prototypes Now

Post GDC 2016 reports emerged that Sony were working on the Playstation 4K and had shown off the hardware to developers, promising them considerably greater performance. This extra power is supposedly to allow the PS4k to render at UHD resolutions…

AMD Polaris 10 Engineering Sample Images | Polaris 10 & 11 Info From GDC 2016

During AMD’s Capsacian event we were all rather eager to see a plethora of demos, perhaps several slides explaining what AMD’s plans for their upcoming range of Radeon 400 GPU’s, or best of all some concrete specs. Unfortunately this wasn’t…