Watch Dogs PC Review

Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs is certainly one of the biggest game releases of this year, and for many a title they are hoping will help define the next generation. There’s been a huge roller-coaster of hype surrounding the titles release, everything…

Infamous Second Son – In Game Screenshots Leaked

A number of rather helpful players who managed to get their hands on Infamous Second Son a few days before the release have released a ton of screenshots which show off the game’s impressive lighting and environments. Have no fear…

Alien: Isolation – New Screenshots Show Off Detailed Environments

A new series of Alien Isolation screenshots have appeared online, showing off a very nice looking space trading station. This game, which is set for release on current and next gen consoles, is a first person survival horrorĀ  which features…

More Infamous Second Son Screenshots Released

Infamous Second Son, the once launch title for the PS4, has had yet more screenshots released. This former day one title, now delayed until March 21, 2014, has had yet more screens released which show of Delsin’s neon powers. Again…

Infamous Second Son – New Screenshots Show Stunning Graphics

Infamous Second Son, the one time launch title for the PS4, has had five gorgeous new screenshots released. The upcoming game from Sucker Punch, which has now been pushed back to an undefined Spring 2014 release window, is looking rather…

More Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 Screenshots Released

Square Enix has released yet another batch of Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. These images show a fair few faces which will be familiar to those of you who have played FF 13-2, as they feature Noel Kreiss, Yeul (Paddra…

New Pikmin 3 Wii U Screenshots Released

Nintendo has released a batch of screenshots for Pikmin 3, which is to be released on the Wii U on July 26. These screens give you a very good preview look at the graphics, textures and gameplay that we will…

New Watch Dogs Screenshots Released

A new batch of screenshots for Watch Dogs, Ubisoft’s upcoming game, have just been released online. Watch Dogs is going to be released on PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U & PC on November 19 for everything but the Playstation…

New inFamous Second Son PS4 Screenshots Released

The first batch of inFamous Second Son, which will be a PS4 exclusive, have been released. The screens show off the games protagonist, Delsin Rowe, with a lot of tight, high detail shots of his face, character model and surrounding…

Yet More Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Screenshots Released – So Much Neon It Hurts

More screenshots for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, a Neon soaked 80’s themed FPS, have been released today. Captions attached to the new screens on the official FC3 site describe them as ‘balls to the wall action’, ‘science’, and ‘Omega…

First FIFA 14 Screenshots Released

EA has officially announced FIFA 14 as a PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 release and also released a bunch of screenshots for the game. Versions for the PS4, Wii U and other next gen consoles may be on the cards…

New The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Screenshots Released

A new batch of screenshots for CD Projekt RED’s The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt have just been released, further showing off some pretty stunning graphics. CD Projekt RED also revealed a ton of news and details about The Witcher 3…

More Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Screenshots

Ubisoft have released more screenshots for their upcoming FPS, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. These images further hammer down the rather barmy nature of this game, with it’s strong neon 80’s cyberpunk graphics style, to the nostalgic images of pixel…

New Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon HD Screenshots – Screens Show 80’s Themed Neon FPS

Ubisoft have released a few screenshots for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, an upcoming FPS with a strong 80’s vibe. This rather odd looking shooter hasn’t really been described, or explained, by Ubisoft. All there is for information is a…