Infamous Second Son – In Game Screenshots Leaked

A number of rather helpful players who managed to get their hands on Infamous Second Son a few days before the release have released a ton of screenshots which show off the game’s impressive lighting and environments. Have no fear…

More Infamous Second Son Screenshots Released

Infamous Second Son, the once launch title for the PS4, has had yet more screenshots released. This former day one title, now delayed until March 21, 2014, has had yet more screens released which show of Delsin’s neon powers. Again…

Infamous Second Son – New Screenshots Show Stunning Graphics

Infamous Second Son, the one time launch title for the PS4, has had five gorgeous new screenshots released. The upcoming game from Sucker Punch, which has now been pushed back to an undefined Spring 2014 release window, is looking rather…

First Deep Down Screenshots Released

Capcom has released five new screenshots for the upcoming PS4 exclusive, Deep Down. These are the first images to be released for the game, which was revealed in Sony Japan’s press conference last week. It has also been revealed that…

Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Details Revealed

Guerilla Games released a ton of information on the Killzone: Shadow Fall mulitplayer, including weapons, classes, cover system, gameplay modes and abilities. Also, as I fully covered in the video below, they revealed that all of the post launch DLC…

More Wolfenstein The New Order Screenshots & First Gameplay Video

Bethesda has released more screenshots for Wolfenstein The New Order, alongside the very first gameplay video. This new load of screens and the first gameplay video released for the title also coincides with the newest previews of the game. Wolfenstein…

New Drive Club Screenshots Revealed for PS4 Exclusive

A batch of screenshots have been released for Drive Club, a PS4 exclusive racing game from Evolution Studios. As mentioned above, this title is a Playstation 4 exclusive and is highly expected to be a launch title, but sadly there…

New Wolfenstein The New Order Screenshots Released

Bethesda has released a batch of new Wolfenstein The New Order screenshots today, which is an upcoming cross platform release from Machine Games. This upcoming FPS is being developed by Machine Games who, as some of may know, is made…

New inFamous Second Son PS4 Screenshots Released

The first batch of inFamous Second Son, which will be a PS4 exclusive, have been released. The screens show off the games protagonist, Delsin Rowe, with a lot of tight, high detail shots of his face, character model and surrounding…

Playstation 4’s Sharing Functionality Controllable By Developers

The much touted Share Button on Sony’s Playstation 4 can be disabled on specific games, or certain sections of games. This news comes from Sony’s Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, who was speaking to during an interview. He was originally…