The Order 1886 GDC 2014 Post-Mortem Part 1

With the PS4’s debut we’d seen a short and telling trailer of “The Order 1886”, at first glance the title looked to be some type of steam-punk horror title which was all it really took when combined with the gorgeous…

Infamous Second Son Engine Post-Mortem Analysis & Breakdown Part 1

We knew from the first screen shots and gameplay snippets of Infamous Second Son that the title would help to define what the PS4 was capable of. While its release has met with some criticism concerning the gameplay, there are…

Playstation 4 Memory – 4.5GB Available For Games Developers

Sony have long boasted of the Playstation 4’s 8GB of GDDR5 unified memory. Unfortunately, there was little answer as to how much of the total memory was available for game developers to utilize, and how much was dedicated to the…