The GTA Trilogy remaster collection, AKA GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, was confirmed not all that long ago, and it will include the classics Grand Theft Auto III, San Andreas and Vice City. When the GTA Trilogy remaster collection was…

The GTA Trilogy remaster collection, AKA GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, was confirmed not all that long ago, and it will include the classics Grand Theft Auto III, San Andreas and Vice City. When the GTA Trilogy remaster collection was…
Some time ago, we reported the rumours flying around that Blizzard would be releasing a HD version their classic RTS Starcraft. Despite it not being revealed as expected at Blizzcon last year, it seems the rumour lives on. According to…
Developer The Behemoth has announced that the excellent Castle Crashers will be heading to Xbox One in a remastered form on September 9. As an added bonus to those who already own the game on Xbox 360, it will initially…
We all remember back in January, at Sony’s first ever stand-alone event, with hopes raised and just as quickly dropped in disappointment when we thought we were going to be getting a remake for Final Fantasy 7, but instead we…
Earlier on this week rumors flew that we’d be seeing yet another remastered or in Square’s Case Definitive version of a last generation game. Well, now we don’t have to speculate, we have confirmation that indeed we’ll be seeing Sleeping…
Square Enix have released a batch of new screenshots for their upcoming FFX HD remaster, as well as confirming a FFX-2 remaster. As mentioned above, Square Enix has confirmed earlier leaks by announcing the Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2 HD…