ESRAM Performance Improves By 15% & DX12 Info For Xbox One | Analysis

The Xbox One will be receiving a nice boost in performance thanks to additional tools available for developers to profile the best way to use the ESRAM memory. Regarding Microsoft’s new API, the Xbox One has been said to benefit largely…

Playstation 4 and Xbox One Resolution Is Impacting Console Sales

The Playstation 4 has succeeded in outselling the Xbox One in the United States, thus reclaiming it’s throne as the best selling next generation console after Microsoft’s system managed to dethrone it for just two short months. Despite the claims…

SledgeHammer Facing CoD Advanced Warfare Xbox One Development Issues

The previous ‘next gen’ Call of Duty title, Ghosts stirred a great deal of disappointment among the Xbox faithful when revealed the title would run at the lowly resolution of 720P. But SledgeHammer games co-founder Michael Condrey via Twitter has confirmed…

Assassin’s Creed Unity Running At 720P On Playstation 4?

While the Xbox One and Playstation 4’s resolution has received much attention in both gaming news and from gamer’s themselves, and not much of that attention has been particularly good. Sony have just been hit with a lawsuit because of…

Resolution & Frame Rate How They Work & Analysis On Impact in Games |Tech Tribunal

Since the Playstation 4 or Xbox One’s specs were leaked online both gamer’s and media have placed a lot of their focus on both the resolution a game runs at, along with its frame rate. Much of the the Xbox…

Xbox One GPU – Confirmed 10 Percent Performance Boost Thanks To Update | How It Works

An increase in the Xbox One’s GPU performance was recently mentioned on Twitter by Phil Spencer, but the original tweet provided little more than a tidbit of information. Microsoft have since provided much a needed insight to what the update means…

Shadow Warrior 60FPS But Runs 900P on Xbox One, Playstation 4 Manages 1080P

Flying Wild Hog’s Shadow Warrior made a name for itself on the PC last year the title being a reboot of a 1997 release. Since then we’ve learned it’ll be making its way to generation consoles. Since the title is…

Metro Redux Xbox One & Playstation 4 Resolution, Trailer and Changes

Deep Silver and 4A Games have announced we’ll be seeing Metro Redux, which will be a remastered version of both Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light. The games will be available on both the Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC…

Jargon Buster – Learn Your CPU From Your GPU & RAM From HUMA

Despite our best attempts to make our tech analysis and post-mortems as in-depth and easy to understand as possible, not everyone is aware of some of the basic terms and phrases that we throw about frequently. In this very article…

Watch Dogs – Ubisoft Clears Up PS4 & Xbox Resolution Mess

As you probably know (how could you not?), Sony made a rather large boo boo yesterday by incorrectly reporting Watch Dogs frame rate and resolution. Fortunately, Ubisoft has stepped in and clarified matters with some cold, hard facts. Posting  on…

PS4 Watch Dogs 1080P / 60FPS Claim Removed By Sony?

Yesterday the internet caught fire when Sony boasted Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs would run at 1080P / 60FPS on the Playstation 4 on their website. During my news video I’d advised viewers to climb into their nuclear fallout bunkers as fans on…