AMD and Nvidia knows most users tend to upgrade every second generation of cards- or, to put it another way – owners of Pascal are currently deciding if they should jump-ship to the latest and greatest video cards. While Nvidia’s…

AMD and Nvidia knows most users tend to upgrade every second generation of cards- or, to put it another way – owners of Pascal are currently deciding if they should jump-ship to the latest and greatest video cards. While Nvidia’s…
The Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti is finally here, and this new entry into Nvidia’s Ampere lineup cranks up the expected performance dials, but the questions are – how well does it perform, what are the final specs and is…
The architecture synonymous with PC gaming for decades now has been X86, and the processors from both Intel and AMD which uses X86 has gone under a tremendous number of changes over those years, 64-bit support, increases in core counts…