Code Vein | New Screenshots Show off Characters & More

Code Vein immediately caught my attention when it was revealed, because it made me immediately think, “Oooo, anime souls!” which to me at least is not a bad thing. But since then, we have seen some more gameplay from the…

Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind | First Gameplay Trailer & New Screenshots

While many people, including myself, would prefer a proper remake of Morrowind the ESO expansion is the next best thing. Today, we got the very first gameplay trailer for the Elder Scrolls Online expansion, as well as some nostalgia-inducing screenshots.…

Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps Announced For PC & PS4 | WHY CAPCOM WHY

Capcom have just announced their first new Resident Evil game that isn’t a HD remake for the first time in years. However, Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps is a far cry from the return to survival horror we all want. RE…