Xbox One SDK Leak Part 3 | Move Engines & Memory Bandwidth Performance | Tech Tribunal

With GDC 2015 fast approaching, it’s high time we got through the last major hardware parts of the Xbox One’s SDK leak. In this particular article, we’ll cover the DMA Move Engines and the remaining questions around the Xbox One’s…

PlayStation 4 2.0, PS Vita 3.35 & PlayStation App 2.0 Updates Coming Soon?

I quite like how Microsoft pushes out updates. Pretty much every month Microsoft pushes out an update with a couple of interesting new features. While Sony have a method of giving users constant monthly “system stability” updates, then throws everything…

Assassins Creed Unity 900p / 30fps For Both PS4 & Xbox One. Is it Really Any Consoles Fault?

I don’t know about you, but almost every week I have red mark upon my forehead from a repeat face palm due to another ridiculous move by Ubisoft. Ubisoft, why, why do you repeatedly make stupid retractions and have uninformed…

Insider Discusses Xbox One & Playstation 4 Performance Increases

Great news for investors of Next Generation consoles – both Sony’s PS4 and Microsoft’s X1 are on track to beef up the performance of both machines, We’ve been hearing all sorts of rumors concerning this, but Thuway (or Ashan Rasheed…

Jargon Buster – Learn Your CPU From Your GPU & RAM From HUMA

Despite our best attempts to make our tech analysis and post-mortems as in-depth and easy to understand as possible, not everyone is aware of some of the basic terms and phrases that we throw about frequently. In this very article…

Geforce GTX 790 – 10GB GDDR5, 4992 CUDA Cores & GTX 880M Details

We have a few major leaks and rumors to discuss regarding new additions to Nvidia’s Geforce range of cards. There’s nothing further on the new Maxwell architecture (so far), but instead we can discuss the Geforce GTX 790 and the…

eSRAM Provides Massive Speedup – Does it For XBox One?

The Xbox One’s memory system – primarily the ESRAM has been the subject of much discussion in the gaming news media. Just a few weeks ago, I ran the piece discussing the issues with the Xbox One’s ESRAM and Resolution…

Playstation 4 Operating System “Orbis” Info Revealed – Based on Free BSD 9.0

Some information has been revealed on the Playstation 4’s OS (known as the Orbis OS) and it’s development. As mentioned above, the operating system is called The Orbis OS and is a modified version of FreeBSD 9.0. At the moment…