“No Reason” for PSVR 2 & PS5 Simultaneous Launch, Says Sony Exec

We’ve been talking an awful lot about Sony’s upcoming Playstation 5 next gen console the last few weeks, and recently you may recall we had comments from a couple of developers on how the dev kits were looking in terms…

Sony Working On Upgraded 4K Capable Playstation 4 | Sources Say Sony Briefing Developers on PS4.5

Sources are reporting Sony are working on a new version of their Playstation 4 system and are already briefing developers, claiming the PS4.5 will be capable of running games at up to a 4K resolution. UPDATE: New sources and information…

The Witness Sells “Substantially More” Than 100k In 1st Week

The Witness, the open world puzzle game from Braid developer Jonathan Blow, is already doing well for itself. Jonathan announced in a blog post that The Witness had already sold “substantially more” than 100,000 units and grossed over $5 million.…